Community Engagement

Undertaking sustained research work in the context of contemporary Timor-Leste necessitates a recognition that relationships with organisations and communities need to be multi-faceted and mutually supportive over the long-term. Many forms of community engagement occur informally and as part of day-to-day work. However, responding to community needs has also been more formalised for instance through the provision of training in research and, as the two examples below demonstrate, through providing technical support to organisations or to individuals who seek to further develop particular skill sets.

Working with RMIT English Worldwide

In 2005 the Globalism Research Centre began working with RMIT English Worldwide (REW) to provide limited scholarships for short-term intensive English courses at RMIT University of up to three months. These scholarships are provided primarily for East Timorese women whose work within a community or organisation would benefit by access to high quality and intensive English Training. Each year between one and three East Timorese women have come to Australia for up to 3 months. While RMIT English Worldwide provides a scholarship for tuition, all other costs from visas and airfares to warm clothing are covered by partner-organisations, community fundraising, or individuals. Given the extent of challenges still facing women in Timor-Leste, not only does this program allow participants to increase their English skills within a short period of time, but it also provides an opportunity for travel, cultural exchange and personal growth. We wish to acknowledge the support of many people who have made this possible over the years including very generous support from Metlink Melbourne.

Working with the Commission for Reception, Truth and Reconciliation

Between 2003 and 2005 two researchers from the Globalism Research Centre travelled four times to Timor-Leste to provide editorial and advisory support to various sections of Chega, the final report of The Commission for Reception, Truth and Reconciliation.