'Dalan ba Koñesimentu-Introdusaun ba Teknolojia Foun kona-ba Seguransa Alimentár', Concern Worldwide, 2011.
'Harii Nasaun iha Timor-Leste - Relatóriu Konferénsia Nian', Ausaid and AVI, 2010.
Komprende Kommunidade: Seguransa no Sustanabilidade iha Aldeia Haat iha Timor-Leste, Irish Aid, Oxfam Australia, Concern Worldwide and the Globalism Research Centre, RMIT University, 2009 (also in Tetun).
'Strategic Directions for Relations with Civil Society in Timor-Leste, An Advisory Report to the Secretariat of State for the Promotion of Equality (SEPI)', Irish Aid and The Globalism Research Centre, 2008.
'Opsaun Desenvolvementu sira ba Oekusi', Timor-Leste, Oxfam Australia and the Globalism Research Centre, RMIT University, 2008 (also in Indonesian).
Dezafiu no Oportunidade Organizasaun Internasionál no Feto sira iha Timor-Leste, 2nd edition, Globalism Institute, RMIT University, Melbourne, 2008. (Also available in Tetun).
Mapa ba Lala’ok buka Igualdade Jeneru-Atividade la governamentál no Ajénsia Internasionál sira-nian iha Timor-Leste, Globalism Institute, RMIT University, and Irish Aid, Melbourne, 2008. (Also available in Tetun).
Damian Grenfell and Kym Holthouse, 'Impacts of Economic Development and Border Policy Options for Oecusse -Timor-Leste: A report for Oxfam Australia', 47 pages, June 2007.
Back to TopBooks and articles
Damian Grenfell, 'Truth, Reconciliation and Nation Formation in C. Fleming, P. Rothfield and P. Komesaroff (eds) 'Our Land' of Timor-Leste', in Pathways to Reconciliation: Between Theory and Practice, Ashgate Publishing, Aldershot, 2008, pp. 79–88.
Damian Grenfell ,'Governance, Violence and Crises in Timor-Leste: Estadu Seidauk Mai', in S. Farram (et al), Democratic Governance in Timor-Leste: Reconciling the Local and the National, Charles Darwin University, 2008, pp. 85–97.
Damian Grenfell, 'Reconciliation: violence and nation formation in Timor-Leste' in Rethinking Insecurity, War and Violence: Beyond Savage Globalization?, Routledge, London, 2008, pp. 181–193.
Damian Grenfell 'Reconstituting the Nation: Reconciliation and the National Community in Timor-Leste', Occasional Papers in Justice and International Studies, RMIT Publishing, 2007, pp. 18–33.
Damian Grenfell, 'East Timor: Colonialism, Nation-Building and the Politics of Oil', Arena Journal, Vol. 22, 2004, pp. 45–52.
Back to TopOther articles and commentary
Anna Trembath, 'Review of Independent Women: The Story of Women's Activism in East Timor', International Journal of Feminist Politics, 2008.
Damian Grenfell, 'Review of Masters of Terror: Indonesia's Military and Violence in East Timor', Inside Indonesia, January-February 2008.
Damian Grenfell, 'Making Modernity in Timor-Leste', Arena Magazine, No.90, August-September 2007, pp. 9–12.
Anna Trembath, 'On East Timorese Solidarity: Review of David Scott's Last Flight out of Dili', Arena Magazine, no. 87, February-March 2007.
Damian Grenfell and Anna Trembath, 'Oan Kiak: Women and Independence in Timor-Leste', Arena Magazine, No. 83, June-July, 2006, pp. 10–12.
Damian Grenfell, 'When Remembering Isn't Enough: Reconciliation and Justice in Timor-Leste', Arena Magazine, No. 80, December-January 2005-06, pp. 32–35.
Damian Grenfell, 'The East Timor Solidarity Movement in Australia', Chain Reaction, No. 95, Summer 2005, pp. 17–18.
Damian Grenfell, 'Reconstructing the Coffee Republic: Development and Colonialism in Timor-Leste', Development Bulletin, No. 68, October 2005, pp. 83–86.
Damian Grenfell, 'Review of Reluctant Saviour: Australia, Indonesia and the Independence of East Timor (by Clinton Fernandes)', Journal of Australian Studies,, February 2005.
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